February 14, 2013
Words to Live By
Embrace your future. The future has many great possibilities in store, but you must seize those opportunities and run with conviction. Surround yourself with people who appreciate and celebrate who you are and what you can become. Remove all detractors as speedily as possible. Make sure God is the focus of your dream. Your dream […]
February 13, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 10
They help the protégé set and achieve goals in life. “1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and […]
February 13, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 9
They are great motivators and gifted in encouraging others. “There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, But the tongue of the wise promotes health.” (Proverbs 12:18) “You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” (2nd Timothy 2:1) Devin Oten DO Enterprises www.DevinOten.com Writer, Public Speaker […]
February 12, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 8
They give Godly and life-changing counsel. “Now the advice of Ahithophel, which he gave in those days, was as if one had inquired at the oracle of God. So was all the advice of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom.” (2nd Samuel 16:23) Devin Oten DO Enterprises www.DevinOten.com Writer, Public Speaker and Philanthropist
February 12, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 7
They have the true heart of a father. “1 Then Joseph could not restrain himself before all those who stood by him, and he cried out, “Make everyone go out from me!” So no one stood with him while Joseph made himself known to his brothers. 2 And he wept aloud, and the Egyptians and […]
February 11, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 6
They manage themselves and others very well. “1 This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; 3 not given to wine, not violent, […]
February 11, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 5
Several signs can help you identify mentors sent from God: They are role models. “6 But we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us. 7 For you yourselves know how you […]
February 10, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 4
Having a mentor can make the difference between surviving, thriving or even dying! Here are some words of wisdom: when you are sick, find mentors who believe in healing. When you are broke financially, find mentors who have insight into prosperity. If your marriage is on the rocks, find a mentor who has a revelation […]
February 10, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 3
Why? Because he witnessed Moses lead them from slavery and God instructed Moses to encourage and mentor Joshua to lead with distinction. Elijah mentored the widow at Zaraphath and she and her household lived through a 3-year drought. “8 Then the word of the LORD came to him, saying, 9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which […]
February 9, 2013
The Importance of Mentors Part 2
He mentored Moses and delivered three million people from hard bondage. Moses in turn mentored Joshua and he led the people of God to the promise land. “7 Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong and of good courage, for you must go with this people […]
February 9, 2013
The Importance of Mentors
We are now headed down the home stretch and delving into a matter that is very near and dear to me – the mentor / protég é relationship and its relevance to building your dream. I feel s o strongly about its importance, in fact, that I will soon be wri ting another book, entitled […]
February 8, 2013
Conserve, conserve and conserve a little bit more, my friends!
Sell one of your cars and commit to riding the bus or train to work. Turn off the lights in a room you are not occupying. Use a space heater in the room where you are sleeping, eating, reading or watching television instead of using the central air and heating units. You will save a […]