March 12, 2013
Tips for Building Wealth 4
Begin to invest at least 10% of your household income.
I find that the 401(k) at your job, Individual Retirement Account
(IRA), Roth IRA or mutual funds are the best way to accomplish
this goal. If you are an investing novice, I recommend
consulting instructive materials about investing, such as the
March 11, 2013
Tips for Building Wealth 3
Always maintain the proper insurance.
Insurance – on so many levels – ensures wealth. If you are
not properly insured, you can, and probably will, create a very
serious financial liability for yourself and your loved ones. Health
insurance allows us to use the full benefits of good medical tre a
March 10, 2013
Tips for Building Wealth 2
Get out of debt!
To me, debt means giving to the past and not to the future. I
remember being in college and taking my girlfriend to a fancy restaurant
for dinner. That dinner cost $100, and it took me an entire
year to pay it off. I paid over $50 in interest for that one meal. It
is ridiculous to p
March 9, 2013
Tips for Building Wealth
How did I begin to build wealth? I followed the advice in many
informative books I have read through the years, including “Priceless”
by Dave Ramsey, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki and
“The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley and William Danko.
Here are some of the most use
March 8, 2013
Key Steps to Building Your Dream 8
“26 Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a
pledge, One of those who is surety for debts; 27 If you
have nothing with which to pay, Why should he take
away your bed from under you?” (Proverbs 22:26-27)
I believe you should save some money every week. I hear you:
“I cannot save any money.
March 7, 2013
Key Steps to Building Your Dream 7
Pay Your Bills
The next key step to building your dreams is to pay your bills.
If you live by this concept, your bills will be smaller. In other words,
you will have less debt, because you already know that you owe God
X number of dollars, and yourself X number of dollars per pay period
or increase.
March 6, 2013
Key Steps to Building Your Dream 6
When you pay yourself first, even in a bad economy, job market
or depression, you will maintain your lifestyle if you so choose.
Let me explain: if I lose my source of income or job today, I can
maintain my current lifestyle for at least a year or longer. Further,
I have learned how to extend my sav
March 6, 2013
Key Steps to Building Your Dream 5
These are some of the stages you will encounter to truly develop,
implement and discover a worthwhile dream. Forces are at work to
discourage, derail and destroy the best of intentions. I can remember
an incident involving my cousin, who was also my church secretary.
She needed a job, so when my bos
March 3, 2013
Key Steps to Building Your Dream 4
To get to this place in God, you must have what I call a tough
hide. When challenges come your way, you must let them flow like
water off a duck’s back, for there is a great price to be paid when
you reach this level. As we continue this story with Isaac:
“15 Now the Philistines had stopped up a
March 1, 2013
Key Steps to Building Your Dream 3
Pay Yourself
The next key step to building your dream is to pay yourself.
You will never build wealth or a nest egg paying everyone but you.
I pay myself 10% to 15% per year, depending on what kind of year
I have had. It could go up to as much as 25% in very good years.
This is a life-changing proce