December 29, 2012
More shootings in America…
Eddie Jones III, 39, of Willingboro, Pennsylvania shot and injured 3 police officers. He was being detained for stalking an ex-girlfriend, overpowered Officer Ruth Burns inside the station and shot two other officers in Gloucester Township, a Philadelphia suburb, police said. Am I being a bit sensitive right now or is the country as outraged […]
December 27, 2012
General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., 1934-2012
The General passed away and he will be remembered. I served during the 1st Gulf War and remember very clearly” Stormin’ Norman’s” daily media briefings. He made us all feel so confident in our ability, tactics and strength. He inspired us to be proud, to be patriots, to be Americans. We need more like him […]
December 27, 2012
Football may need Tebowmania
The New York Jets have an awful quarterback situation. Mark Sanchez the original starter has played horribly this year and the backup QB is hurt. Yet Tim Tebow is sitting on the sidelines ready to galvanize the troops as he did in Denver last season. He is not your prototypical QB and probably never will […]
December 27, 2012
Longevity and Staying Power
Madonna just ended her MDNA Tour 2012 and what a tour it was! Gross ticket sales were $228.4 million. Madonna was big/huge when I was a kid growing up in the 1980’s, she was sexy then and she has not lost any of that appeal 30 years later. What is it? Of course she is […]
December 26, 2012
DJango Unchained Part 2
After seeing the movie on yesterday, I was pleased and thought the storyline was very entertaining. Was the N word used a bit much, of course. Tarantino movies are usually racy and gory. The theater was packed with movie goers and there was a loud round of applause to end the show. I saw the […]
December 25, 2012
DJango Unchained
Spike Lee has taken issue with DJango Unchained according to an article I read in The New York Times this morning. I like Tarantino movies, some times. Pulp Fiction was a movie of great scenes and the Kill Bill movies were very interesting to me. Sure his movies are very violent but that’s just […]
December 24, 2012
$250,000 to raise a child
I read an article this morning that said you will spend about $250,000 in 17 years to raise a child. Frankly I thought it would cost more to raise a child but after reviewing this data it seems like a good rough estimate. Tell me, what did you think it would cost to raise a […]
December 24, 2012
Firefighting is Dangerous Enough, Right?
Civil Servants are the backbone to building good solid communities. We are all made safer with firefighters, police and many other civil servants on the job 24/7. You may forget to think about these types of servants because it’s not very flashy or sexy, but I was stirred by the story I read this morning […]
December 24, 2012
Riding Motorcycles
I love riding bikes! My uncle taught me to ride when I was 15 years old and it has been a passion of mine ever since. I sold my bike two years ago because it was collecting dust in my garage. Well, the real reason was because my good friend Jason Sanford had a major […]
December 22, 2012
How to reconcile Newtown, CT
Start paying attention people! Maybe, my view point is skewed because I have been trained or conditioned to pay attention to people and my surroundings. Let me clarify my position, I worked in the youth department for YMCA in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and was Area Director with oversight of two Boys & Girls Clubs in […]
December 22, 2012
Holiday Feelings or Emotions
With this time of year come great excitement, yet many disappointments. Take a deep breath and realize life comes in seasons and cycles. They can be described as Peaks and Valleys, Ups and Downs but I prefer Life Challenges. Yes, we will have many not so comfortable events to take place in our lives but […]