April 12, 2013
Write down your vision
Devin Oten, Sr. 2011 Vision Spiritual Things: 1. Acquire property for Church in NOLA 2. Establish Ministry in California 3. Growth as Elder in the Household of Faith 4. Growth of Church by 100 adults and 100 kids 5. Greater/New/Fresh Anointing 6. Missionary travel (India and Africa) 7. Family to become born again 8. Increase […]
April 11, 2013
Weekly Schedule for my kids….
Schedule starting August 8, 2008: Monday thru Thursday: *30 minutes to eat/snack, computer/email and TV when you arrive home. *2 hours or however long it takes for homework, study, review of notes or projects. *1 hour to run, bike, play ball etc. *Bath and in the bed with lights out by 10:00 pm *Cell phones […]
April 9, 2013
Pursue Your Passion
Pursue Your Passion When I retire, if there is such a thing, I would like to raise world class Rottweiler’s. I have loved this breed of dog for more than 30 years. I bred some fairly decent dogs in the late 1980’s through the early 1990’s. I trained them, groomed them and just spent time […]
April 9, 2013
“…Being a Minority Business Owner.”
“Let’s talk and be real about it….” Segment Title “…Being a Minority Business Owner in 2010 and beyond.” Article Title By: Devin Oten, President DiversityMBA Magazine What are the issues surrounding entrepreneurship and being a minority business owner? 1) You must differentiate yourself from the competition or you just look, sound and feel like everyone […]
April 9, 2013
“Being Single is not EASY” 2008
“Being Single is not EASY” July 9, 2008 Recently I began to think about relationships and why they work or do not work. Before I get to my theory as to why relationships work let me say this, Being Single is not Easy! Some are of the opinion that being single is the best, but […]
April 8, 2013
Hard Work is the Key 2
“There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can’t do any business from there.” (Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken) Pursue every idea with vigor. Let no one discourage you. Make no excuses. Build something worthwhile. And in the words of Dr. Myles Munroe, “Live Full and Die Empty.” Devin […]
April 7, 2013
Hard Work is the Key
“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” (Colin Powell) Every time I think about my dream I’m reminded of hard work. In my world the two go hand in hand. As a twelve year old I cut yards for $3.00 and sold crawfish for extra cash. That work […]
April 6, 2013
Next steps to building a successful future 7
Building a dream is directly related to a life dedicated to hard work, self-discipline, creativity, goal setting and ambition. Enjoy the journey – just make sure you arrive! Devin Oten DO Enterprises www.DevinOten.com Writer, Public Speaker and Philanthropist
April 5, 2013
Next steps to building a successful future 6
Learn to appreciate your worth to society, your family, your country and your job. You have worth, my friend, but you alone must determine that worth through education, training and hard work. Devin Oten DO Enterprises www.DevinOten.com Writer, Public Speaker and Philanthropist
April 4, 2013
Next steps to building a successful future 5
Keep a record of all accomplishments. In fact, it is a good idea to track failures as well. Both accounts will make you wise and keep you grounded. Devin Oten DO Enterprises www.DevinOten.com Writer, Public Speaker and Philanthropist
April 3, 2013
Next steps to building a successful future 4
Be sure of yourself, be a leader, demonstrate initiative, develop credibility and a well-rounded skill set, encourage relationships that will assist you on your career path and always be the person within your sphere of influence thinking outside of the box. Devin Oten DO Enterprises www.DevinOten.com Writer, Public Speaker and Philanthropist
April 2, 2013
Next steps to building a successful future 3
Encourage yourself when no one else will. You should be your own biggest supporter or cheerleader. “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” […]