January 16, 2013
Lessons from Lance Armstrong
Are there any new lessons or revelations to be discussed here? I’m not sure, but I’m very interested to see if this changes anything in modern day sports. Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds were not first ballot hall of famers, Lance Armstrong admits to doping, LSU lost the top recruit in the state of Louisiana […]
January 15, 2013
Justice Clarence Thomas Speaks
It has been seven years since Justice Thomas has spoken during an oral court argument. He has said he does not like oral arguments and that’s why he rarely speaks. It was the Sixth Amendment case Boyer v. Louisiana that broke this silence and it was a joke about which law school, Yale or Harvard […]
January 12, 2013
Education, Success and Failure
Is this really a debate at this point? The education questions that is, its significance, importance and validity when discussing success versus failure. The facts are indisputable, those who further their education will be more successful in a number of ways in life; money, perspective, health, spirituality and the like tend to be well rounded […]
January 11, 2013
Man's best friend
A heartwarming story took place in Seneca, Missouri recently involving two close companions of 6 year old Ryle Smith. Ryle found himself lost in the woods near his home with temperatures in the 20 degree range. He became disoriented and confused as it grew dark. Fortunately for Ryle, Bella and Baxter were with him and […]
January 11, 2013
Be careful this flu season
Over 92,000 flu test have been administered already this season which is 2 xs higher than the yearly average. Flu is widespread in every state except California and Louisiana and only sporadic in Hawaii. I’m from Louisiana and now reside in California, so Louisianans and Californians are in my debt or servitude. Flu season usually […]
January 8, 2013
SEC Dominance
For all the haters around the country I have one phrase, “don’t hate participate”! Alabama has won another BSC Trophy. I must admit I’m a bit jealous as I attended LSU and Saban was the coach who put us back on the map, left for the NFL Miami Dolphins, then returned to coach an SEC […]
January 6, 2013
How to Guide for Investing
As a former pastor and successful business owner, I always have people asking me how and what to invest in? I always start by asking them what products or services do they use most often in their daily lives? What company makes or offers said products and services? Then I suggest they invest in the […]
January 5, 2013
Yoko Ono is not the bad guy?
While in college I developed a love for the Beatles, specifically John Lennon. Being on a University Campus and being exposed to universal ideas helped to broaden my taste for music, women, fashion and the like. Let me get back to the original purpose of writing this post, Yoko Ono I thought was responsible for […]
January 2, 2013
My LSU Tigers vs. The Clemson Tigers
I hope you all don’t mind if I vent just a little. We were up with less than 5 minutes to go in the game and lost. 2nd down and 2 yards to go and we pass. 3rd down with 2 yards to go and we pass again. Mind you, our sensational freshmen running back […]
January 1, 2013
Pursue Your Passion
When I retire, if there is such a thing, I would like to raise world class Rottweiler’s. I have loved this breed of dog for more than 30 years. I bred some fairly decent dogs in the late 1980’s through the early 1990’s. I trained them, groomed them and just spent time hanging out with […]
December 30, 2012
My take on the Fiscal Cliff?
I have been fortunate to have been self-employed and a 1099 consultant on various projects. The tax system works fairly well for someone like me. I can write off expenses in several categories that allow me to save money to operate my businesses at an optimal level. For those tax payers who are w-2 wage […]
December 29, 2012
Nutrition in the New Year
Make a commitment to proper health and nutrition. Keep it simple by eating better and exercising. I know that’s a lot easier said than done. Here are some tips that should help: walk a couple of miles per day a few times per week at your pace, eat more fruits and vegetables, remove sugars and […]